Sound Space Studio

Sound Space Studio was founded by me, Julia Purcell in 2023. I am originally from Traverse City, Michigan, and have lived in Louisville, Kentucky for nearly 20 years.  I started playing piano when I was seven, guitar when I was sixteen, and have been playing banjo and ukulele since moving to KY in 2004.  I graduated from Michigan State University with a focus on music therapy, psychology, and voice. I am a board-certified music therapist, music educator, performer, and community music organizer in the greater Louisville area. I taught an improvisation course for music therapy at UofL for 12 years, and c0-founded and operated Louisville Expressive Therapies, where I practiced music therapy with children and adults, as well as facilitated intern and practicum student training.

I specialize in teaching voice, piano, ukulele, guitar, and banjo and work with neuro-typical and neur0-diverse kids and adults. In addition to providing education and therapy, I perform original and traditional music and have toured regionally and internationally with Maiden Radio, Possom Queens, Good River String Band and smithsmith.

I am passionate about helping others access their unique musical capacity through meaningful and creative musical experiences and feel strongly about the power of music to build community and spark joy.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything”- Plato